Monday, December 28, 2009

Best Christmas gifts of 09

Our gift list is small compared to most peoples. Maybe this is one of the reasons that I like Christmas shopping. I didnt even have to mail any packages this year. That takes a lot of stress out of shopping.
Now that the festivities are all over, I can reflect on three of the Best gifts of the season. Two of them were From ME!
I bought an expensive golf club for Butch. He liked it, but his favorite gift was the video that I made of photos taken of us this past year, set to music, with effects; all done from a program on my computer.
My other winner was a calendar that I made for Mom. It has family photos, many from her 90th birthday party, also included are birthdays.
She has taken it to "coffee" for show and tell, and today I had to hang it just below her clock, so she could look at it every day.
The third special gift was opened Christmas day in our family grab bag exchange. It was three hand embroidered dish towels made by my mother. Once you open a gift, it can be stolen by someone else, and we were way more excited to land those towels than all of the soaps and scarves and bath products.
Gifts from the heart, those were the best.
Who knows, maybe next year, a writer, or a welder can top my gifts of this year.

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