Monday, June 1, 2009

At least it zips


Three weeks ago you taught me how to sew in a zipper. After buying a new purple zipper and attempting to finish off my skirt tonight - I need another lesson. Unfortunately, I have not on camera in our house right now (I know - our house with no camera? Brandon has both of his and I left mine at work), or I could take a picture of the M.C. Escher skirt I have made. I'm not even sure a photo would capture the genius. Somehow I wrapped the skirt around itself, so when triumphantly, I zipped it up and turned it right side out, I entered a never-ending spiral of fabric. Inside is outside and outside is in. All at the same time.

So I say: At least it zips and I will try again tomorrow.


JP said...

I have no idea what you explained in that spiral of fabric - sounds like you get to practice the lesson that Carol Ann and I learned so well - ripping

Good Luck - love Mom

sewsewwhat said...

Sounds like DNA
a genetic mutation zipper, just hope it is not contagious. ca